Thursday, October 4, 2012

This I Believe Part Two

I went through pages of essays and was starting to give up on finding something I didn't like. But then I realized that I kept picking categories that I could relate to on accident, so I chose the "Atheism" category, and unsurprisingly I didn't like the very first essay, "There Is No God," by Penn Jillette.

Because I didn't like the message of the essay, I felt that I was more inclined to pick at the little things I didn't like, such as the author's voice. His tone was almost sarcastic in the beginning which kind of offended me, a believer in God. For the most part, I think I'm pretty open-minded, but reading the beginning of his essay immediately turned me off. Nonetheless, there was nothing structurally wrong with his essay. Towards the end, he discussed the love he has for his life and how he feels that not relying on forgiveness from his family and God helps him to be more aware of the things he says and does. Reading this changed my view of his beliefs. Perhaps if Jillette would have started his essay saying this, I would have reacted differently since he was showing a more personable side of himself.

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