Sunday, October 14, 2012

Music Video Analysis

I chose to analyze Beyonce's "Countdown" video. Seriously, they need a warning for people who have seizures. When I first saw this video on T.V, I was like whoa, what just happened; I need to see this again! There's so much going on with the music, choreography, and visual effects, but it all works so well together.

In the song, Beyonce is talking about how much she loves her husband and how everyday she loves him more. You can see a fifties element in the way that she dresses and even dances in the video, which adds to the overall meaning of the song. The era that we most commonly perceive as "perfect" is the fifties, and in a sense, Beyonce is saying that she is the "perfect" wife. This idea rings in the chorus when she says, "If you leave me you're out of your mind."

Something else I noticed in the video was the way that everything was sped up or slowed down to mirror the song. The song itself is very complex since there are really three different songs compiled into one. In the beginning, where she starts by saying, "Oh, killing me softly" is one song, and the video is played at regular speed. The transition to the next song starts when you see her hands ticking like a clock as if to signal the "countdown," or the second song, in which the video is sped up to match the ticks of the beat. Finally, the transition to the third song, the actual verse, is when she is moving her shoulders, still sort of fast to the ticks of the beat but slower than in the previous song with the countdown. Each of the "songs" has a shared element, in the beat, with the song before it or after it to make the transition unnoticeable, just as each section of the video has parts that are sped up or slowed down to transition into the next scene in the video.

I also really liked the contrast of the playful, bright colors with the harsh black and white backdrop (and vice versa); it added to the visual appeal of the video because the colors kept changing with the ticks of the beat. Around 1:58, there is a ripple of ten Beyonces doing different dances that all end up as the same one, all the while the colors of the windows are changing with each tick. There are so many cool things like this in the video, and I can't find the words to put it all down!

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