Monday, August 27, 2012

Honey Boo Boo

Any person with decent morals should understand that it is never cool or okay to film someone dying. Like WTF. Even after the shootings in Aurora, Colorado, people were standing outside filming people running out of the theatre with blood on their shirts. That's completely disrespectful to the victims.

It's funny to me how everyone feels the need to document every detail of their life. First of all, who cares. Second, who the hell thinks to pull out their camera phone when someone is about to jump off a bridge?? It's a shame that that is someone's first instinct, instead of "Hmm... Maybe I should call 911."

I do feel that reality TV is making us apathetic. I mean, every middle and high school fight was filmed and put on YouTube. In a way, it seems like people are trying to create their own reality TV show or documentary of some sort by posting that stuff. "Let's see how many views I get!" I'm sure that's what the guy who posted the Amber Cole video thought. It's the same idea as how everyone feels proud when their Facebook picture gets a ton of likes.

The question of why we are so drawn to reality TV still remains. To be honest, I can't come up with an answer. After all, I'm sure I'm not the only one who watched the video of Tony Scott committing suicide. We all watched it. Shoot, I watched it twice. And that video IS actual reality TV, just like Here Comes Honey Boo Boo. I guess all I can say is that it alleviates our curiosity. We want to know just how well the wealthy are living, so we tune into the Kardashians. I told myself I wasn't going to watch Honey Boo Boo. I saw the commercials and thought that girl was absolutely ridiculous, but one day I was flipping through the channels and saw it was on and felt the urge to watch it. Why? Because I wanted to shake my head at how ghetto she and her family are. Yes, I said a redneck is ghetto. And honestly it made me feel superior to her. That may sound shallow, but get real; we are constantly stereotyping and judging people. As for why I watched Tony Scott commit suicide? I wanted to see how brutal his death was. I wanted to know if there was any blood. I was curious.

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