Thursday, August 30, 2012

Huxley & KRS One

Hey guys, check this out if you have time. It relates to Huxley's argument about how what we love will ruin us.

Here are the lyrics:

You know, that's why man I've been telling
You all the time man, you know love
That word love is a very serious thing
And if you don't watch out, I tell ya that
(Love's gonna get you)
(Love's gonna get you)

Because a lot of people out here say
I love my car or I love my chain or or
I'm just in love with that girl over there

So far all the people out there
That fall in love with material items
We gonna bump the beat
A lil' something like this

I'm in junior high with a B plus grade
At the end of the day I don't hit the arcade
I walk from school to my mom's apartment
I gotta tell the suckers everyday, "Don't start it"

'Cause where I'm at if your soft your lost
To say on course means to roll with force
A boy named Rob is chillin' in a Benz
In front of my building with the rest of his friends

I give him a pound, oh, I mean I shake his hand
He's the neighborhood drug dealer, my man
I go upstair and hug my mother
Kiss my sister, and punch my brother

I sit down on my bed to watch some TV
Do my ears deceive me?
Nope, that's the fourth time this week
Another fast brother shot dead in the street

The very next day while I'm off to class
My mom goes to work cold busting her ass
My sisters cute but she got no gear
I got three pairs of pants and with my brother I share

See there in school, see I'm made a fool
With one and a half pair of pant, you ain't cool
But there's no dollars for nothing else
I got beans, rice, and bread on my shelf

Every day I see my mother struggling
Now it's time, I've got to do somethin'
I look for work, I get dissed like a jerk
I do odd jobs and come home like a slob

So here comes Rob, he's cold and shivery
He gives me two hundred for a quick delivery
I do it once, I do it twice
Now there's steak with the beans and rice

My mother's nervous but she knows the deal
My sister's gear now has sex appeal
My brother's my partner and we're getting paper
Three months later we run our own caper

My family's happy everything is new
Now tell me what the fuck am I supposed to do?
That's why
(Love's gonna get you)
(Love's gonna get you)
(Love's gonna get you)

You fall in love with your chain
You fall in love with your car
Love's gonna sneak right up and snuff you from behind
So I want you to check the story out as we go down the line

Money's flowing, everything is fine
Got myself an Uzi and my brother a nine
Business is boomin', everything is cool
I pull about a G a week, fuck school

A year goes by and I begin to grow
Not in height but juice and cash flow
I pick up my feet and begin to watch TV
'Cause now I got other people working for me

I got a 55 inch television you know
And every once in awhile I hear 'Just say no'
Or the other commercial I love
Is when they say, this is your brain on drugs

I pick up my remote control and just turn
'Cause with that bullshit I'm not concerned
See me and my brother jump in the BM
Driving around our territory again

I stop at the light like a superstar
And automatic weapons cold sprayed my car
I hit the accelerator scared as shit
And drove one block to find my brother was hit
He wasn't dead but the blood was pouring
And all I could think about was war and

Later I found that it was Rob and his crew
Now tell me what the fuck am I supposed to do?
You know that's why
(Love's gonna get you)
(Love's gonna get you)
(Love's gonna get you)

That word love is very very serious
Very addictive, my brothers out of it
But I'm still in it
On top of that I'm in it to win it

I can't believe that Rob would diss me
That faggot, that punk, he's soft a sissy
I'm driving around now with three of my guys
The war is on and I'm on the rise

We rolled right up to his favorite hang out
Said, "Hello", and then the bullets rang out
Some fired back so we took cover
And all I could think about was my brother

Rob jumped up and began to run
Busting shots hoping to hit someone
So I just stopped, and let off three shots
Two hit him and one hit a cop

I threw the gun down and began to shout
"Come on I got him, it's time to break out"
But as we ran there were the boys in blue
Pointing their guns at my four man crew

They shot down one, they shot down two
Now tell me what the fuck am I supposed to do?
(Love's gonna get you)
(Love's gonna get you)
(Love's gonna get you)

You know a lot of people believe
That that word love is real soft
But when you use it in your vocabulary
Like your addicted to it, it sneaks right up
And takes you right out

So, for future reference remember
It's alright to like or want a material item
But when you fall in love with it
And you start scheming and carryin' on for it
Just remember, it's gonna get'cha


Huxley vs. Orwell

I'm not really sure how to start this off. I mean, obviously Huxley's argument relates most with the discussions we've had in class. The things we love are ruining us. What kids do you know that still play outside? No wonder Americans are so fat. We love food, so we eat it. We love reality TV, so we watch it. The things we love are making us apathetic to the things we don't love, like sacrificing our precious time to do something productive.

I think Stuart McMillen chose to use a comic strip to present his argument because it's more effective in the respect that it is visually appealing to readers, and it kind of makes light of the situation. Who doesn't love books with pictures? The pictures in the comic strip help relay McMillen's message because they're relatable to things the average American does: watch TV, sit at the computer, play video games, etc. If McMillen would have simply wrote an essay about Huxley and Orwell's arguments, it wouldn't have held my attention as easily as the comic strip did. The humor that the pictures in the comic strip add to Huxley and Orwell's arguments makes them seem less harsh and therefore more accepted by readers. Overall, the use of a comic strip helped McMillen convey his message to readers.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Social Identity Topic

I am going to write about the maturation of my social identity from Myspace to Facebook.

Honey Boo Boo

Any person with decent morals should understand that it is never cool or okay to film someone dying. Like WTF. Even after the shootings in Aurora, Colorado, people were standing outside filming people running out of the theatre with blood on their shirts. That's completely disrespectful to the victims.

It's funny to me how everyone feels the need to document every detail of their life. First of all, who cares. Second, who the hell thinks to pull out their camera phone when someone is about to jump off a bridge?? It's a shame that that is someone's first instinct, instead of "Hmm... Maybe I should call 911."

I do feel that reality TV is making us apathetic. I mean, every middle and high school fight was filmed and put on YouTube. In a way, it seems like people are trying to create their own reality TV show or documentary of some sort by posting that stuff. "Let's see how many views I get!" I'm sure that's what the guy who posted the Amber Cole video thought. It's the same idea as how everyone feels proud when their Facebook picture gets a ton of likes.

The question of why we are so drawn to reality TV still remains. To be honest, I can't come up with an answer. After all, I'm sure I'm not the only one who watched the video of Tony Scott committing suicide. We all watched it. Shoot, I watched it twice. And that video IS actual reality TV, just like Here Comes Honey Boo Boo. I guess all I can say is that it alleviates our curiosity. We want to know just how well the wealthy are living, so we tune into the Kardashians. I told myself I wasn't going to watch Honey Boo Boo. I saw the commercials and thought that girl was absolutely ridiculous, but one day I was flipping through the channels and saw it was on and felt the urge to watch it. Why? Because I wanted to shake my head at how ghetto she and her family are. Yes, I said a redneck is ghetto. And honestly it made me feel superior to her. That may sound shallow, but get real; we are constantly stereotyping and judging people. As for why I watched Tony Scott commit suicide? I wanted to see how brutal his death was. I wanted to know if there was any blood. I was curious.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Reality TV

      Face it, no one's life is really that interesting. Although reality t.v. shows may suggest otherwise, the fact of the matter is that we all do practically the same thing everyday: go to school or work, eat, do homework, and sleep. The reality of reality t.v. is that our lives are so boring that we need a weekly fix of drama-filled shows like Bad Girls Club and Love and Hip-Hop. But seriously, who enjoys getting punched in the face? Hopefully no one. But everyone loves to watch someone else get punched in the face.
      At one point in time I actually thought reality t.v. was real. I mean of course I understood that some people acted differently in front of the camera, but nonetheless, I thought all of the drama and everything was real. However, a couple years ago, I was on the show Wife Swap with my friend Michaela. The producers of the show simply wanted a few shots of her hanging out with some friends, but nothing was natural; almost all of it felt staged. We went out to eat, but before we could go into the restaurant we had to "meet up" outside and hug and everything like we never got to see Michaela. When we were leaving the restaurant, we had to keep repositioning ourselves so that producers could refilm the shot until it was what they wanted. The entire story line that the producers made up about her family was a complete over exaggeration. They made it seem like Michaela was a slave to her parents and never got to see the light of day... But that's what interests viewers. No one would have cared if she was just the typical teenager. We could tune into our own lives to see that!
      My point is that although reality t.v. is, in fact, not real, we are constantly drawn to it because it offers us an escape from our own boring lives. Honestly, I haven't missed a single episode of Love and Hip-Hop this season. I absolutely HATE having drama in my personal life, but I love to watch it from a distance and shake my head at how big of an ass these people on t.v. are making of themselves. But I have to ask myself, if I couldn't get my fix of drama from t.v. shows, would I create it on my own? The answer is yes. Sometimes I catch myself arguing with my boyfriend over trivial things like him breathing out while I'm breathing in and me breathing in his carbon dioxide. I know, it sounds crazy, but I do. All I'm saying is that even though we know they're fake, reality shows keep viewers watching because we subconsciously wish we had some excitement like that in our own lives.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A Little About Myself

Hey everyone :)

I'm Shawnee, and I'm from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I'm a virgo (yes, I'm into that stuff). In my free time, I like to listen to music, cheerlead, hang out with friends, and eat! If you can't tell, my favorite color is PINK, and I am a total girly-girl. You'll be sure to see that with the more I post.

Peace out girl scouts!